Tech Stack

Software tools, applications and products I recommend and use daily.


  • Next.js

    Next.js is a full stack framework built on top of React. I use it in almost all of my projects (including this site).

  • TailwindCSS

    TailwindCSS is an open source CSS framework. I use it for styling my projects and highly recommend it over using CSS directly.

  • shadcn/ui

    Shadcn is a highly customizable open source component library

  • FontAwesome

    Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS. I have been using it since their initial release in 2012.

  • Prisma

    Prisma is the best Typescript ORM. I use it to manage PostgreSQL database schemas in my projects.

  • tsup

    tsup is a TypeScript library bundler with no config, powered by esbuild. I use it to bundle all my Typescript projects outside of Next.js.

  • Turborepo

    Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. I use it with all of my monorepo projects.

  • Yarn

    Yarn is a package manager with great built-in caching, plugins, and workspaces.


  • Vercel AI SDK

    The Vercel AI SDK is an open-source library designed to help developers build conversational streaming user interfaces

  • OpenAI

    OpenAI is one of the leaders in AI research, and their API is considered OG. Their SDK is becoming a standard in the AI industry.

  • LangChain

    LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. It provides tools and abstractions for working with AI models, agents, vector stores, and other data sources for RAG.


  • Vercel

    Vercel is a cloud hosting platform designed for Next.js applications. Their platform is super easy to use, so I use it for all of my Next.js projects.

  • Cloudflare

    Cloudflare is a webhosting platform. I use it for managing DNS records, caching, websocket servers, sending emails, and security for all my web projects.

  • Github

    Github is the go to platform for hosting source code. I use it to host the source code for all of my projects.

  • Neon

    Neon is a fully managed Postgres that offers autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage. I use it wheneverI'm not using Supabase.

  • Upstash

    Upstash is a hosted platform with databases and messaging services that are optimized for serverless integrations.


  • Sentry

    Sentry is the best tool for error reporting and application performance monitoring. I set it up for all my projects, so I can find and fix bugs before my users can report them.

  • Axiom

    Axiom is a logging platform that I use to monitor and analyze logs from my projects. They have an easy integration with Vercel that comes with a great default dashboard.

  • Typescript

    TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript. I highly recommend it over using JavaScript directly.

  • ESLint

    ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in code. I use it in combination with Prettier to make sure my code is consistent.

  • Prettier

    Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that keeps my code looking consistent across all projects I work on. Formatted code makes it easier to review.

  • Checkly

    Checkly is a hosted services for running e2e tests, built on Playwright. They have a simple integration into Vercel that I use to run pre-production smoke tests.

  • Playwright

    Playwright is the most reliable tool for writing and executing end-to-end tests.


  • Visual Studio Code

    VSCode is an open source code editor, with built in debugging, syntax highlighting, code completion, etc. I have it open every day and use it to write code for all of my projects and for note taking.

  • is a calendar scheduleing application. I use it to allow anyone to schedule time on my calendar.

  • Tower

    Tower is a Git client for macOS. I highly recommend using it over using Git from the command line directly.

  • TablePlus

    TablePlus is a database client for macOS. I use to visualize my PostgreSQL databases and run one-off SQL queries.

  • Figma

    Figma is a user interface (UI) design tool. I use it to design applications & marketing sites before writing any of the frontend code.

  • Stoplight Studio

    Stoplight Studio is an API design tool. I use it to design and mock APIs before writing any of the backend code.

  • Linear

    Linear is the best tool for project management. I use it to manage roadmaps and development tasks for my projects. It keeps me honest and on track.

  • Stripe

    Stripe is a suite of APIs for payment processing. I use it in all my projects that offer a subscription product.

  • Slack

    Slack is an instant messaging application. I use it to collaborate with others on projects.


  • 16” MacBook Pro M1 Max

    I live on this machine day and night. It has 64GB RAM which is more performance than I actually need, but I love it.

  • LG UltraFine 4K Display

    I stare at my LG monitor during the day. It has so many pixels, which makes it great for frontend development.

  • Apple Magic Trackpad

    I use the Apple Magic Trackpad when I am connected to my monitor. It is basically an extension of the laptop trackpad.

  • Apple AirPods Pro 2

    These are my main headphones for taking calls and working out. The noise cancelling on these are amazing.

  • Apple AirPods Max

    I wear these headphones for most hours of the day (8+ hours). They are super comfortable and sound great. I now own 2 pairs after my first pair wore out.

  • NÜOBELL Dumbells

    NÜOBELL are a pair of adjustable 80lb dumbbells. This is how I really make gains 💪

I love building products

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